Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Moments with Grandchildren

One scene from Easton's 1st BDay party that I will hold dear for a long time took place during the cake and ice cream...

The couches were full with adults and kids were sitting indian style on the floor. Navigating across the house took skill and was slow going with all the wiggley bodies :) Kadin, however, sat in the center of the living room holding never ending conversations with the surrounding adults and kids alike. I noticed Cedric slowing making his way to his cousin. Once there, the toddler kneeled infront of his big cousin's plate, without saying a word.

Never missing a beat from his conversations about WoW or bikes with the Airmen sitting nearby, he begins to feed half of his cake and ice cream to Cedric.

Not a word between them... But full communication.

Not a drip or crumb lost... The plates bounty was evenly shared.

It was such a unique sight that other adults around the room began watching and quietly commenting on the exchange: Kadin carefully spooning his 19 mos. old cousin cake and ice cream. Not a grumble or demand between them. It was priceless...

Now, I'm not saying these kids are always so symbiotic... That very evening Kade slam-dunked Ced onto the floor in an effort to keep him away from Easton's toy. :/ He dove under couch cushions to hide while Cedric held his aching head!

The next "moment" that I'd like to share took place that evening after we had all shared a pot of Beef Stew Pie and were having a Family Meeting. From Greg down to Easton, we were all in attendence! We were discussing a possible timeline for jointly buying a parcel of land in the outlying Spokane area. We were all sitting in chairs around a table that was not big enough to hold us all so we crowded chairs off the end with Greg at the apex of the circle.

Soon, I spied Cedric coming out of Kadin's bedrm with a little chair painted in primary colors, just his size. He places it on the floor next to Grampa's and sits on it looking up into the circle of his family's adults. There's a bit of a smile on his face as he joined the circle. Seconds later as if on cue Kadin is pulling up a midsize dinosar chair just his size and finds his place in the circle on the other side of Grampa.

They sat a while without inturrupting the important grown-up talk but didn't stay long... But the look on their faces told me that they knew they had joined the family circle.



Lindy said...

Thanks for recording these stories, Momma. Precious memories. :)

Deanne said...

Daralyn, what a sweet and touching word picture you created for us...and then backed it up with a photo! It makes me pause...and it makes me doubly look forward to my own gandchildren some day. Thanks
(now if I can just dry my eyes enough to type this!).

Deanne said...
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Amber said...

I didnt even notice them bringing chairs. How sweet!